Frank has over 25 years of experience as an all-round tax adviser. Before that, he was tax inspector and worked with the Supreme Court of the Netherlands. Frank has always assisted wealthy entrepreneurial families, but also advises larger (inter-)national businesses in case of tax emergencies. His broad expertise encompasses a large part of the Dutch tax law, with an emphasis on (corporate) income tax and formal tax law.
Publications +31 10 741 1740Frank Herreveld
- Medium and large sized family owned businesses
- Tax audits
- Tax litigation
- Mergers and acquisitions
- Risk management and governance
Frank’s career started as tax inspector from 1982 to 1987. From 1987 to 1990, he worked as gerechtsauditeur at the Supreme Court of the Netherlands. In 1990, he made the move to tax advisory and worked as tax adviser in the general tax practice and tax litigation practice of KPMG Meijburg&Co until 1995. Between 1995 and 2000, he was with Baker&McKenzie, last as an international partner. From 2001 to 2015, Frank was tax partner with Deloitte Tax Advisers, during which he chaired the Tax Controversy Group and was a commissioner between 2010 and 2012. Subsequently, Frank moved to Mazars in 2015, where he was a tax partner until 31 August 2017.
- Tax Law, Leiden University 1976-1981
- PhD research on Fiscal legal protection in an international perspective, Maastricht University, Promotor prof. Dr H. van den Hurk
Secondary activities and memberships
- Editor Weekblad Fiscaal Recht 1985-heden
- Editor Tijdschrift Estateplanning 1996-1999
- Editor Tijdschrift Formeel belastingrecht 1996-1999
- Lecturer at Leiden University Capaciteitsgroep Fiscaal recht 2005-present
- Moot Court lecturer, mentor and counsellor
- Guest lecturer formal tax law and modern ways of inspection
- Maastricht University, 2016-heden
- Guest lecturer and external PhD candidate
- Examinator Specialisation curriculum Tax advocacy 2011-present
Secondary activities and memberships
- Chair of the Section Formal Tax Law NOB 2010 – present
- Chair of the Commision on Prrejudicial questionsCommissie Prejudiciële NOB
- (Senior)lecturer NOB/SOB courses 1991-present
- Litigation for prospective members
- Litigatoin for senior tax advisers
- Board member Stichting Opleiding Belastingadviseurs (SOB) 2013 – 2016
- Registrar of the Disciplinary Board of the NOB 1987-1990
- Speaker at various seminars, fora, Tax Talks and conferences
- Board member of various charitable institutions
- Member of the Dutch Associaton of Tax Advisers